To the official DCGS Web Site.

Weather for Douglasville Georgia

The Douglas County Museum of History & Art has a large photograph, dated 1907, of a group of students in front of Ephesus School.  We believe this is a photo of Ephesus Baptist Church school.  We need help identifying the people in these two photographs, if possible.  If anyone knows more about this please email the or the .  Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Click on an image to view it full size in a separate tab.  You may then click on that to enlarge it even more.

Wreaths Across America 2024

December 14th, 2024

Wreaths 1

The Sweetwater Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution are planning to place a wreath on the grave of every American veteran in the Georgia National Cemetery.  We can't do it all on our own, so please help us by sponsoring a wreath today to be placed on a Veteran's grave this December.

To participate:

Please print out, fill out and mail this handy Order Form, along with your generous check.  Or, you could just bring it to the next DCGS meeting, and then you can join the Society, as well.

Thank You.

The books pictured below, on a cart at the Douglas County Public Library on Selman Drive, are free to anyone that stops by and collects one.  Sorry, but Jim Gardner grabbed the the three books pictured on a table (photo Number 7) when he took the photos, but I'm sure he would be glad to loan them to any interested member of the society.  Thank you, Jim, for providing these photos.

Click on an image to view it full size in a separate tab.  You may then click on that to enlarge it even more.

The Douglas County Genealogical Society is a Federally chartered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and is registered as such with both the Federal Government and the State of Georgia.  So, please, carry on, explore, and enjoy your visit with us.

This web site is here to provide the public with information about our society and its activities, as well as information about events and activities in the County.  We also would like to encourage you to join our society, and especially so, if your family tree has connections to Douglas County or its predecessor, Campbell County.

Our web site first went live in May of 1998, hosted by member Larry Noles (an AT&T employee), using his personal space on the AT&T Worldnet site.  Larry served as Web Master until Carole Gregory took over in 2002.  Carole served until Tom Rogers took over in 2003.  Tom served until Chuck Jackson (the current ) took over in 2010.

We hope to encourage you to get involved with your own genealogy.  It would really be best to get started while you are still young and energetic, before all the people who actually know (the elders of your family) are gone forever.

Baby and Laptop
Well, maybe not that young!

We have seen far too many take an interest in genealogy later in life and then lament - "Oh, if only I had asked aunt/uncle/grandma/grandpa so-and-so about this before they passed away!  They would know!"  And thus begins the long trek through courthouses and libraries.

Here, on this site, you may learn about our History, Projects, Accomplishments, People and Schedule (below).  Feel free to browse around and explore our web site.  We believe that you will find some interesting (perhaps even fascinating) and fun to browse material.  We have a few OnLine Resources to help you with your Douglas County research, with more coming in the future.

Heritage Book Cover Sadly, the supply of the society's landmark accomplishment, the Heritage Book of Douglas County has been exhausted and, as it is out of print, it is no longer available for purchase.  However, many copies have been donated to various libraries across Georgia and some few in Alabama.

If you have comments or questions about any of our products or services, or simply need more information, you may contact us by sending an e-mail to the , anytime, and you will be placed in contact with the Society member most qualified to assist you.  If you have comments or questions about the web site, in particular, please email the .

We have attempted to ensure that, mostly, any short term interest stuff (any pages without the normal menu seen above at left) open in a new tab or window so you can just close it when you are finished.

Come back often.  The site is always changing, as you can see from the Page Last Updated notification at the bottom of each page.  Thank you for visiting and we look forward to assisting you in your quest.

Next Society Meeting:

Please Note: The October meeting has been CANCELLED, due to the confluence of a number of conflicting events, all conciding at just the wrong time.

See you at tthe regularly scheduled November meeting!

Last Program:

The last program (October 3rd) was Douglasville - Then and Now, presented by Bob (The Judge) James.

Next Program:

The next program (November 21t) is unknown at the present time.

However, Claudia still needs photographs for our DCGS Scrapbook.  Also, some members have been asking for more old photographs (of Douglas County, I presume) for the web site, so please bring whatever you might have.  With prior notification, I will bring my laptop/scanner and make a digital copy.  I will be happy to provide you with a digital copy, either on your storage device (immediately) or via email (the next day).  But, if you already have a digital copy, you can just email it to the , along with a brief description.

Regular Meeting Schedule:

The Douglas County Genealogical Society meets on the 4th Thursday of each month, except for the November and December meetings, which are held on the 3rd Thursday of the the month, to avoid interfering with holidays and family get-to-gathers around the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

The regular meetings begin at 6:00 pm and are held in the Fellowship Hall (downstairs) of the Heritage Baptist Church, located at 8800 Rose Avenue, Douglasville, Georgia.  The parking lot entrance is on Selman Drive, on the right, just a few yards down from the traffic light at Rose Avenue and Selman Drive.  For those not familiar with Douglasville, there is a map (and driving directions - courtesy of Google Maps) on our Contact Us page.

At the request of our host, we must tidy up and clear the room by 7:45 pm.

Please note, the December meeting is our annual Christmas Dinner.  Originally, our Christmas Dinners were potluck affairs (everyone brought a dish of some kind), held at either a members home, a local business's conference room or a local churches fellowship hall.  As we grew, this became too much of a burden on the members, so now we simply make reservations and meet at a local restaurant.  This may be just about anywhere in Douglas County, and not necessarily on the 3rd Thursday, as we must adapt to the selected venues availability.

Additionally, our most recent Christmas Dinner (2023) wasn't even dinner, but a lunch - held at Hudson's Hickory House.  Many of our members had expressed a reluctance (or inability) to drive at night, especially to a location they may not be familiar with..  Therefore, the decision was made to have the occasion during the daylight hours.  This brought an objection from those still working who pointed out they would not be able to attend.  So, rather than leave anyone out, we broke completely with our long standing tradition and made the 2023 occasion a lunch, held on a Saturday.  It was a great success, with 13 members present, bringing along 7 guests to get their first taste of the Society camaraderie.  There is a strong possibility this will become the new tradition.

The date, time and location of each Christmas Event will be announced by at least the November meeting (usually before), and the pertinent information, complete with directions and maps, will be posted here, right at the top of this page, under the NOTICE heading.

General Announcements:

We have a private Facebook group for the paid members of the society.  I urge all of you to sign up for a Facebook account (it's free) and then email the for an invite to join the group.  When you become a member of the group, you will have access to electronic copies (PDFs) of nearly all the Society Newsletters.

As a further inducement for you to join our Facebook group, take a look at the Newsletter Index, a PDF file, which has brief descriptions of the content of each issue.  Additionally, the title and publisher of the primary article in each issue of the Newsletter is listed on our History page.  You may find that we have published something that is of great interest to you.

The Society Constitution and By-Laws have been posted to our Facebook group as well as here, on our web site.  Eventually, other documents deemed to be of some importance to the Society may be posted, and possibly, even videos of some of our meeting presentations.

We would also like to hear from the members about their favorite genealogy web sites, so they can be shared with the visitors to our web site.  Sadly, we have received more link suggestions from those visitors than we have from members of the Society.  Come on, people - there must be some useful sites that aren't in our list - tell us about them!

A few members have provided neither the surnames they are researching nor a photo for the web site.  Check on the Current Members page to see if we have your names and a photo.  If not, just drop an email to the , listing the names and/or attaching a photo.

If anyone has photos from a society event which is NOT currently documented on the Events page, please contact the , with a brief description and, hopefully, a date.  Digital, print or even negatives will be fine (our scanner can handle both).

We are also looking for any advice you might offer about the web site.  Such as, what you would like to see on it or what you would like to NOT see on it.  No guarantees, but any and all suggestions will be carefully considered.

And now for the interesting stuff...

Scroll on down for upcoming local events of interest, if any.

DEA Pill Take Back Day!

Gold Rush

Do you have old or expired medications?  Douglasville Police Department has partnered with the Drug Enforcement Administration and other community partners during the DEA Pill Take Back Day to help you clean out those medicine cabinets.  No questions asked, no forms or ID required.  Liquid and pills are accepted.  You can leave your medications in the original containers or empty them into a sealed clear plastic bag.  All medicines must be visible and will be taken to the incinerator for disposal.

NO sharps or inhalers will be taken at this event, just medications.  Absolutely no medications are to be dropped off to the police department before or after the scheduled event times.

When: Saturday, October 26th, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Where: Douglasville Police Department 2083 Fairburn Road, Douglasville
Contact: Email:Sgt. Shannon Dean Phone: (678) 293-1621

Election Day is on 5 November this year - first Tuesday after a Monday.

And this election may be the most important election of your life!

Don't miss it!

Election Day

Don't forget!

Always remember
Election Day

Fall Cars & Cops Event!

Cars & Cops

November is a great time to show off some awesome, unique, antique, and detailed cars, trucks, Jeeps and motorcycles!!! Have a fun day out with family and friends at a fall car show. This event is $25 to participate and free to attend. Whether you wish to bring your car and participate in the show, request to be a vendor, or want to just come and see all the day has to offer, we invite you to get information ahead of time and make this a day for the whole family. We are looking for vehicle-related vendors and food trucks.

If you wish to check possibilities and want to reach out to Sgt. Dean, please feel free. We do ask participants to pre-register and fill out a form so that we will know how much space is needed. Early registration is through Monday, November 4, to have your space set. We will have same day registration. We will be using our parking lots, and possibly grass, depending on the weather prior to the date, and the number of vehicles.

There will also be a Raffle!

When: Saturday, November 9th, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: Douglasville Police Department 2083 Fairburn Road, Douglasville
Contact: Email:Sgt. Shannon Dean Phone: (678) 293-1621

Vill Rica Veterans Day Recognition & Celebration!


Open to all military families, veterans, and citizens of Villa Rica and surounding areas.

When: Monday, November 11th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Where: The Mill Amphitheater, 106 Temple Street, in Villa Rica,
Contact: Email:Sgt. Shannon Dean Phone: (678) 293-1621

Key Note Speaker: Retired Marine General Charles E. Wilhelm

Join us to celebrate and recognize those who served our country!

And Thank a Veteran!  Invite Him to Lunch!

Breakfast with Santa!

Cars & Cops

Lunch with Santa!

Cars & Cops