The Web Master asks: Does any one have photos from other events they would be willing to share? The Gold Mine visit, early field trips, other events? Any of the unlisted Christmas Dinners? September Saturdays 2012 or earlier? Anything? Help us out here, folks!
We will happily put them up here for all to see. We can scan them if you only have prints. E-mail the the digital photos (with some identification) to the or let us know when you can bring your prints to a meeting and we will make sure the scanner is available.
Events in each group are listed oldest first (just so its easy to track our progress). Now enjoy the pictures!
Christmas Dinners
September Saturdays
Other Events
Actually a goodly number of other, unlisted, field trips occurred in the near 14 years between our founding and our visit to the McIntosh Reserve, but they were not documented very well, if at all. No one thought the events worthy of recording.
Please accept our apologies for this lack of foresight.
July 2012: McIntosh Reserve Park
July 2014: Old Douglas County Courthouse Museum
October 2022: Old Campbell County Historical Society Museum
Our annual Christmas Dinners are held in lieu of the December meeting. It is a tradition established very early in the Society's history, perhaps even as early as 1998 or 1999, and continues to present. In the beginning, there was little or no consideration for documentation, and it wasn't regularly documented until the current was appointed (in 2010) and began to bring a camera - but we still have no idea why there are no records for 2011.
Initially, the dinner was a pot-luck affair held at a members home, but we soon out grew that and began holding them (still pot-luck) at local businesses conference rooms or church's fellowship halls. At some point, as the Society grew, the set-up and clean-up became too much and we voted to hold the dinners at a local restaurant, a practice which continues to this day. The restaurant is chosen anew each year. Over the years, some proved unsatisfactory and were removed from consideration. At least one that we liked went out of business, as did a couple we didn't like very much. Beginning in 2016, we seem to have settled on Leathers 78 Cafe. It is located in the building that was Leathers Truck Stop in the years before Interstate 20 opened and the truck stop had to move to survive - it's now over at the Liberty Road exit from I-20 and still going strong.
Sadly, Leathers 78 Cafe also appears to have fallen victim to the DCGS curse. As of March 2021, it is definitely defunct! And it was the FAVORITE, too! By Christmas of 2021, the Covid Pandemic had eased and we found a new (because it's been awhile) and old (because this is not the first time - see Christmas 2004) place, Golden Corral, for our dinner outing. Don't know if this will become a semi-permanent choice. Personally, the Web Master isn't a fan of buffets. He would much prefer to have a server take his order and bring him his food.
Please accept our apologies for any missing dinners.
September Saturdays is an annual two week-end festival hosted by the city of Douglasville, and usually held the last two Saturdays in September. It consists of a number of exhibitors (of which we are or rather were one) and performers (most, of course, begging for donations - we didn't do that), along with numerous vendors plying the guests with food, drink, souvenirs and other assorted merchandise (we didn't do that, either). It is held outside, in the parking lot of the Douglas County Courthouse. Some years you get drenched and some years you get baked (I have been both). The in between years are pleasant fall days, and everyone has great fun.
It's official! At the August 2022 meeting, it was decided that we would no longer participate in the September Saturday Festivities. After more than 10 years of participation, we have found it to be of little to no benefit to the Society, so further participation was voted down.
There was always some expense involved for participants, and that expense kept increasing (to $75.00 per day booth fees in 2022, not to mention the member time, set-up/clean-up effort and personal expense - for transportation, lunch, refreshments, etc.), making for an even easier decision.
Please accept our apologies for the undocumented years.
2019 - Last actual participation
2020 - Event cancelled by pandemic
2021 - The official end of an era.
The following photo montage was provided by Sue Carlton, a member of both the Sweetwater Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Douglas County Genealogical Society.
The Douglas County Genealogical Society is proud to have made a healthy donation to this years event. We hope to participate with equal enthusiasm in the future.
The following was provided by Sue Carlton, a member of both the Sweetwater Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Douglas County Genealogical Society. It is written in the first person, as though Sue is speaking..
461 Wreaths were sponsored by citizens, mostly of Douglas County but some from beyond the grave. My Uncle, Retired Senior Master Sergeant Franklin D. Veal, Jr., passed away on September 10, 2023 two weeks after his 93rd birthday. He lived at the Robert L. Howard, Veterans Home in Pell City, Alabama. Ed and I were his sponsors for the 8 years he was there. We saw him every week and he knew we sponsored Wreaths every year so he also sponsored 10 or more every year. This year before he passed away, he asked me to order 25 wreaths for him as this might be the last time he would be able to sponsor. He is buried in the Fort Mitchell, Alabama National Cemetery. He got his own Wreath this year!
We were fortunate to be able to go to the National Cemetery at Canton, Georgia on Friday, December 15th to place our Special Wreaths. We gathered at Central Baptist Church parking lot and arrived in Canton about 4:00PM. We had a list of Veterans that we personally placed every year. There were 10 of us and we split up to find our Veterans and say Thank You, Merry Christmas, call out their name and service and say a quiet prayer. Please know that this is a very respectful way of celebrating their service for us.
The Sweetwater Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution sponsor this program every year and we have grown in number every year. The more we talk about the program, the more Wreaths are sponsored.
THANK YOU Douglas County Genealogical Society, for your sponsorship of wreaths to honor our veterans. We already have 36 for next year!