Cemetery Information


Tyree Road, South Douglas County.


From downtown Douglasville, travel west on US Highway 78 for approximately 4.9 miles to Mason Creek Road.  Turn left (south) onto Mason Creek Road.  In 1/10 mile Mason Creek Road will become Post Road.  Continue on for approximately 5.9 miles to Liberty Road.  Turn left onto Liberty Road.  In 1/2 mile bear right onto Liberty Church Road.  Continue for 4/10 miles, where Liberty Church Road will become Tyree Road. Continue for 1.6 miles.  The cemetery should be there, but we can find no trace of it on Google Maps or Google Earth.


None listed.


Converted to web page by Chuck Jackson on September 9th 2022.

Surveyed by:

B. Roger Smith for DCGS on October 27th 2004.

Submitted by:


Active Cemetery:

Oldest Burial July 30th 1989, 12 Inscribed Tombstones.

Additional Resources:

None listed.

Camp Jewell 03/27/1919 02/11/2000
Camp Larry C. 06/15/1943 06/13/2000
Daniell Raymond L. 09/13/1914 07/9/2003
Eason Bobby Allen 10/31/1969 09/17/1998
Hendrix Cleophas 09/24/1916 04/17/2002
Hendrix Louise W. 11/27/1943 07/30/1989
Hendrix Nobel 04/15/1917 05/19/2003
Huckeba Grover Leonard 08/04/1927 06/21/1999
Pate Steve 08/14/1919 05/27/2003
Pinyan Albert J. 03/25/1924 05/01/2004
Watson Arlene 04/23/1942 11/07/1996
Watson Wilburn Will 04/14/1938 06/18/2003