The Twenty Seventh Year - 2024:



President: Linda Jolly
Vice-President: Bob James
Secretary: Susan Terzich
Treasurer: Gwen Thigpen



Librarian: Elaine Steere
Parliamentarian: Bob James
Historian: Vacant

Optional: (and may not always exist)

Newsletter Editor: Marcia Atkins & Nancy McLendon
Web Master: Chuck Jackson


Newsletter: None - now published bi-monthly - see next month.
Program: Unknown Title by unknown presenter.
Almost no attendence - reason unknown.  The Web Master didn't make it because of an interfering family event (grand sons birthday celebration).  The weather was rather nasty.
13th - Elizabeth Brooklyn Ray (Web Master's first great-grand daughter) celebrates her first birthday, in the fine old family tradition, with a small birthday cake all to her self.

I just numbered the photos, as I couldn't figure out a reasonable way to name them.  Anyway, looks like she enjoyed it, even though she didn't manage to eat much of it!  And she was not nearly as messy as some of her predecessors, as they tended to end up with more ON them than IN them!

And for some reason, this time, we had white frosting, rather than the traditional chocolate.

BTW, did you notice those piercing blue eyes?  And I think I can detect some traces of red in that hair.

21st - it is announced that the Newsletter (The Skint Chestnut Logs) will be switching to bi-monthly publication, with the January/February 2024 edition appearing sometime in February 2024.  This may play havoc with our naming convention (yyyy-mm) - we'll see.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Unknown Title by unknown presenter.
Marcia Atkins publishes the story of The Carnes Family - early settlers in what would become (more than 40 years later) Douglas County, in the Society newsletter.
It's decided!  I have adopted the simplest solution I could come up with for naming the newsletter files, using yyyy-mm-mm.  The latest issue has been named 2024-01-02.pdf, as it covers the months of January and February.  This only applies to the Web Master archives, as he has not coordinated with the Facebook Gods.  They appear to have reverted to spelling out the name (August 2023 DCGS Newsletter.pdf, for example) so the Facebook file listings will not be in any particularly useful order.
BTW, if you are interested, the Web Master has a nearly complete set of newsletter archives (in pdf format), and paid members may contact the Web Master for a copy.  Note: The following issues are still missing:

The reasons for the missing issues vary.  Some are speculative while others are completely unknown.


Newsletter: None - now published bi-monthly - see next month.
Program: Primary Resource Materials and How to Use Them by Susan Terzich.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Importance of Source Citation by Larry Thomas.
Nancy McLendon publishes a Tutorial on Using FamilySearch in the Society newsletter.