

President: Paul Trew
Vice-President: Elaine Steere
Secretary: Michele Hill
Treasurer: Gwen Thigpen



Librarian: Vacant
Parliamentarian: Vacant
Historian: Vacant

Optional: (and may not always exist)

Newsletter Editor: Paul Trew
Web Master: Chuck Jackson


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Navigating on the Family Search website: by Norm Brazel.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Navigating, Part II, by Marcia Atkins.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Navigating, Part III, by Marcia Atkins.
Elaine Steere publishes the genealogy and family history of Mildred Ann "Mim" Thompson, long time resident of Douglas county and one time teacher at Douglas County High School, in the Society newsletter.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Navigating, Part IV, by Marcia Atkins.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Member Show and Tell, by the members.  This program was in lieu of the originally scheduled program The Times of My Life which was to have been presented by Elaine Steere, which was postponed due to the unexpected death of her ex-husband.
18th - Kathryn Bryant (10 year old grand daughter of Chuck and Irene Jackson) graduates from the 4th grade at Villa Rica Elementary, with the following honors:

Straight A Honor Roll
Georgia Milestones Distinguished Learner Award
Certificate of Outstanding Academic Excellence
Certificate of Outstanding Achievement in Music
Certificate of Outstanding Achievement in Mathematics
Certificate of Advanced Proficiency in Mathematics
News Crew Participation Certificate (morning announcements over PA system)


Newsletter: On File.
Program: How Georgia Land was Distributed and How to Find Family Members Through Land Records, by Roger Smith.
Brendalyn Bryant (daughter of Chuck and Irene Jackson, mother of Kathryn, above) enrolls in the Masters of Healthcare Administration program at the University of Cincinnati.
6th - Chuck Jackson (me, the Web Master) turns 77 years of age!


Newsletter: On File.
Program: The Traveling Trunk, by a retired elementary school teacher.  This was an exhibit of items used in everyday life during the Civil War era.
13th - Elaine Steere's daughter, Elizabeth Steere Mattas (known as "Lovey") passed away in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Claudia Hutchins publishes her biography in the Society newsletter.
Norm Brazel publishes his biography in the Society newsletter.
Paul Trew publishes his biography in the Society newsletter.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Growing Up In Douglas County, by Alan Taylor Waldrop.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: A film of Show Day 1971 Homecoming Parade (Fairburn), by Sidney Brown.
Sylvia Vick publishes the story of her family in the Society newsletter.
23rd - The Society mans a booth at the September Saturdays Festival at the Douglas County Courthouse.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Times of Your Life by Elaine Steere.  Members shared their earliest memories.
Roger Smith publishes the story of his ancestors in the Society newsletter.
26th - John Houston Peden is presented a Centurion Club Certificate and becomes the 9th member of the Centurion Club.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Your Brick Walls and How You Broke Through Them by Elaine Steere and the members.
Election of Officers for 2018/2019.


Newsletter: On File.
Program: Annual Christmas Dinner, held at Leathers 78 Cafe for the second consecutive year.
12th - Chuck and Irene Jackson welcome their first great grand child, Charles Jackson Ray (better known as Charlie, or, sometimes, CJ).  Here are tthe two happiest people on the planet (at the moment):

Rachel and Charlie