President: Paul Trew
Vice-President: Carolyn Bell
Secretary: Jane Bryant
Treasurer: Gwen Thigpen
Librarian: Vacant
Parliamentarian: Vacant
Historian: Vacant
Optional: (and may not always exist)
Newsletter Editor: Paul Trew
Web Master: Chuck Jackson
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Facilities at the Family Centers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, both Newnan and Douglasville locations, by Roger Hoffman.
Regular meeting place changes from Douglas County Library to Heritage Baptist Church.
Paul Trew's biography is published in the Society newletter.
Marcia Atkins publishes Glimpses of the Past, the story of the old Bomar home on Chapel Hilll Road, in the Society newsletter.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Fairplay District, Douglas County, Georgia - Early 1900s by Carolyn Bell with member participation.
Annette Hopgood publishes the story of Dr. James E. Henley, in the Society newsletter.
27th - Shirley Jean Aiken, wife of Ralph Aiken, passes away.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: A Preservation Battle Won by Sandra Whittington.
Annette Hopgood publishes Part I of the story of Maggie Lou Henly Bomar, in the Society newsletter.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Member Sharing and Participation by the members.
Annette Hopgood publishes Part II of the story of Maggie Lou Henly Bomar, in the Society newsletter.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Mystery of the Bent Trees by Don Wells, of the Mountain Stewards (a conservation organization) and co-author (with his wife, Diane) of the book Mystery of the Trees.
Annette Hopgood publishes the story of Captain Caleb Perry Bowen, in the Society newsletter.
13th - Lillian Estelle Yancey, Centurion Club Certificate holder, passes away at the ripe old age of 106 years.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Field Trip: Tour of the Pine Mountain Gold Museum, in Villa Rica.
Annette Hopgood publishes the story of Tallulah Florence Bullard Henly DuPre (or DuPree), in the Society newsletter.
6th - Chuck Jackson (me, the Web Master) turns 73 years of age!
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Sharing Your Genealogical Stories by the members.
Gerald Teal publishes the story of Frank and Jesse James in the Society newsletter.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Finding William D. Presley and Annie Slater and How the Research Was Done, by Elaine Steere and Marcia Atkins.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Research Materials Available at the Ingram Library by Susanne Durham, Assistant Professor and Head of Special Collections for the Ingram Library of the University of West Georgia.
Jane Bryant receives 4 First Families of Douglas County, Georgia Certificates.
7th - Mildred Poindexter Adams is presented a Centurion Club Certificate.
21st - The Society mans a booth at the September Saturdays Festival at the Douglas County Courthouse.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Identifying and Dating Old Family Photographs by Angela Pendleton, from the Our Genealogy Group, at Clayton State University.
(Katherine) Jane (Wallace) Bryant has her biography published in the Society newsletter.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Did your Great Grandfather Die Intestate? by Roger Smith.
Elaine Steere publishes Bright's Trace: The Road to Victory at King's Mountain, in the Society newsletter.
Election of Officers for 2014/2015.
Newsletter: On File.
Program: Annual Christmas Dinner, held at Dinner's Ready (Note: now defunct).
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Page Last Updated on: 08/01/2024 at 21:43