

President: Irene Jackson
Vice-President: Lee Chastain/Kathy Brock
Secretary: Becky Collins
Treasurer: Steve Burdette



Librarian: Vacant
Parliamentarian: Rhett Williamson
Historian: Marcia Atkins

Optional: (and may not always exist)

Publicity: Gwen Thigpen
Chaplain: Willard Tumlin
Newsletter Editor: Marcia Atkins
Web Master: Larry Noles
Ways and Means: Barbara Edwards
Membership: Hazel Nino
Hospitality: Inez Maddox


Newsletter: On file.
Program: Value of Family Organizations by Linda Moulton.
Dues increase, from $10 to $20 (single) and from $18 to $30 (couples) is proposed.
27th - Ken Wades brother passes away.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: Land Records by Mary Word.
Larry Noles is profiled in the Society newsletter.
May Noles is profiled in the Society newsletter.
A dues increase from $10 to $15 (single) and $18 to $25 (couples) is approved.
Member photos are added to the web site.
Lee Chastain resigns as Vice-President, Kathy Brock is appointed to fulfill the term.
Members are requested to provide legal size, stamped, self-addressed envelopes if they would like to receive the news letter by mail rather than waiting until the meeting.
The Society rents a Post Office Box, giving them a permanent mailing address of P.O. Box 5667, Douglasville, GA 30154.  Sometime later (date uncertain) we moved to a larger P.O. Box, number 5435.  This is the current (as of June 2021) address.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: My Experiences in Researching and Filing by Rhett Williamson.
A new column, In and Around DCGS, is added to the Society newsletter.
Local radio station WDCY and Media One television agree to begin carrying DCGS announcements, at no charge.
12th - Field trip to Georgia Archives, with 8 members participating.  A second trip, on the 26th is announced.
13th - Lamar Edwards aunt passes away.
18th - Marcia Atkins has a new grandson, Samuel Franklin Kent.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: Research Sources and Tips by Beverly Giles Loffler.
Gwen Thigpen is profiled in the Society newsletter.
Judi Jancarek is profiled in the Society newsletter.
Becky Collins and Irene Jackson attend the Carroll County Genealogical Society seminar, to hear Mary Bondurant Warren speak.  She will also speak to the Georgia Genealogical Society meeting on May 8th, which will be attended by Irene Jackson and Barbara Edwards.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: No Program, reason unknown.
Refreshments: provided by May and Larry Noles.
John Fuller is profiled in the Society newsletter.
Hazel Nino is appointed as Membership chairman
17th - Ken and Myra Wade have a new grandson, Noah Daniel Wade.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: The Myth and Realities of Societies of the Colonial South by Dr. Buford Arnold.
Refreshments: provided by Irene Jackson.
Martha Chesser is profiled in the Society newsletter.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: Show and Tell by the members.
Refreshments: provided by Willard Tumlin.
Bob James is profiled in the Society newsletter.
Linda Waldron is profiled in the Society newsletter.
15th - Irene Jackson's father passes away.
22nd - Meeting location moves to the Douglas County Library Conference room, on Selman Drive.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: The Brock Family History by Kathy Brock.
Refreshments: Provided by John Fuller.
Dale Dodson is profiled in the Society newsletter.
Details of the July Show and Tell Meeting are published in the Society newsletter.
The story of What Happened to the Signers of the Declaration of Independence is published in the Society newsletter.
31st - Dennis and Linda Waldron have a new granddaughter, Alexis Diane Waldron.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: Photo Album Night by the members.
Refreshments: Provided by Barbara Edwards.
Stan Burch is profiled in the Society newsletter.
Newsletters will now be mailed to paid up members.
Printed agendas will now be available at the start of each meeting.
9th - Ken and Myra Wade have a new grandson, Micah Lanier Wade.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: LDS Genealogy Web Site by Linda Moulton.
Refreshments: Provided by Martha Chesser.
Ken Wade is profiled in the Society newsletter.
Myra Wade is profiled in the Society newsletter.
Meetings move to the Old Douglas County Courthouse.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: A Brief History of the Internet by Chuck Jackson.
Election of Officers for 2000.
Refreshments: Provided by Janice Henderson.
Marcia Atkins is profiled in the Society newsletter.
29th - Larry and May Noles have another grandson, Cody James Noles.


Newsletter: On file.
Program: Covered Dish Christmas Dinner by the members.
15th - Chuck Jackson retires from L-3 Communications as a Software Engineer.  This is his second retirement.  The first was from the U.S. Navy as a Senior Chief Petty Officer, on October 30th, 1980.
16th - Clara Williams brother passes away.