Cemetery Information


Bearden Lane, off of Bill Arp Road.
Approximate GPS Coordinates: 33° 41' 46.32'' N, 84° 46' 59.375'' W.


From I-20, travel south on GA Highway 5 approximately 2.6 miles.  Turn left onto Bearden Lane.  The Bearden Lane Church of Christ is approcimately 3/10 of a mile on your left, at 4052 Bearden Lane.  Not sure exactly where the cemetery is located but is is believed to be very near the church, judging by the 2 photographs on Find A Grave.


FindAGrave and RootsWeb: Retrieved by Donna Bowlick July 2014.


Converted to web page by Chuck Jackson on December 7th, 2022.
Sorted by Chuck Jackson on December 7th, 2022.

Surveyed by:

Roger Smith on 5/12/2005.

Active Cemetery:

Oldest burial March 5th, 1935.

Additional Resources:

None listed.

Bearden Hill H. August ??, 1902 July 20, 1991 (Hill Hall Bearden)
Bearden Edna S. (Simpson) July 7, 1912 wife of Hill H.
Bearden Mahlon March 5, 1935 March 5, 1935 (Infant twin of Melvin, in same grave)
Bearden Melvin March 5, 1935 March 5, 1935 (Infant twin of Mahlon, in same grave)
Simpson James Mahlon June 3, 1922 February 25, 2001
Bearden L. A., Mr. July 8, 1905 August 18, 2004